Requesting withdrawals

As a seller on Mech Keybs, you can withdraw your earnings through various payment methods. Here’s how to manage your withdrawals:

Available Withdrawal Methods

Mech Keybs supports several withdrawal methods, which may include:

  • PayPal
  • Bank Transfer

Configuring Payment Methods

Before requesting a withdrawal, you need to set up your preferred payment method:

  1. Go to your Seller Dashboard → Settings → Payment
  2. You’ll see all available payment methods
  3. Click “Add Payment Method” if your preferred method isn’t listed
  4. To configure a method, click the “Manage” button next to it
  5. Enter the required information:
    • For PayPal, Wirecard, or Skrill: Enter the associated email address
    • For Bank Transfer: Add bank name and account number
  6. Click “Update Settings” to save your changes

Requesting a Withdrawal

  1. Navigate to the Withdraw section in your Seller Dashboard
  2. View your total earnings available for withdrawal
  3. Select your preferred withdrawal method from the drop-down box
  4. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw
  5. Review the withdrawal details
  6. Submit your withdrawal request

Minimum Withdrawal Limit

  • There’s a minimum balance required to make a withdrawal request
  • This limit is set by Mech Keybs and can be found in the terms and conditions
  • You’ll receive an email notification when you reach the minimum limit

Withdrawal Approval Process

  • After submitting a request, it will be reviewed by Mech Keybs
  • You’ll receive an email notification when your withdrawal request is approved

Best Practices

  • Regularly review your balance in the Withdraw section
  • Keep your payment information up to date
  • Consider setting up multiple withdrawal methods for flexibility

If you have any questions about the withdrawal process or available methods, don’t hesitate to contact Mech Keybs seller support.

What are your feelings
Updated on August 1, 2024